

To make a donation to the Annual Fund, please visit: 

SPS-Annual Fund


Or make checks payable to "Saint Peter School" and mail to Saint Peter School, 96 Concord Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 c/o Douglas Lovell. 



"Gratitude and love—that’s why we continue to support Saint Peter
School. We are grateful to have sent our sons to a school that
superbly promoted so much of what is important to us: family, faith,
scholarship, kindness, and community.” 

– Ted Hoff and Kathleen O’Connell, parents of SPS alums Tommy and Michael Hoff

EIN: 04-3132637


The Light On The Hill-Spring 2022 Issue

The Light on The Hill - 2022

Why Support

Together with the contributions of others, your gift to Saint Peter’s School makes possible the school’s core program and activities and helps underwrite new and innovative initiatives. The extraordinary education that your generosity makes possible empowers and inspires students to reach their greatest potential and live lives of accomplishment, faith, and integrity.


The Annual Fund is the primary way that Saint Peter School raises the resources to meet its operating budget, address new and pressing needs, and fortify our academic, arts, and athletic offerings. By providing sustaining support as well as financial flexibility, gifts to the Annual Fund have immediate and enduring impact.

Giving to Saint Peter School demonstrates the loyalty, commitment, and generous spirit of current parents, school board members, alumni, parents of alumni, grandparents, parishioners, faculty and staff, and friends. Your investment will symbolize your dedication to Saint Peter School and help to unlock countless doors for its students—benefits that tuition alone cannot provide.

Ways to Give



The Saint Peter School Annual Fund comprises unrestricted giving and supports all school programs and activities. Teacher salaries, scholarship aid, supplies, technology, building enhancement, and areas of critical need.  Capital gifts are contributions specifically designated, by the donor, for a particular initiative, such as endowment funds, or funds for construction or renovation of permanent facilities. 


Endowment funds ensure Saint Peter’s future as an institution of the highest quality. Endowment funds are created with a gift or gifts invested in an interest-bearing account, established in perpetuity, and designated for a particular purpose; only the interest may be spent. Endowment funds may underwrite scholarships, teacher salaries, or general purposes, as well as fund new program development.


Memorial gifts can be a particularly meaningful way to contribute to Saint Peter School. A gift in honor or memory of an individual may be made to the Annual Fund or as a capital gift; it may be restricted or unrestricted.


Gifts in kind are non-cash gifts of property such as computers, books, scientific equipment, art materials, etc. Gifts in kind also can make important contributions. The fair market value of such items is deductible for income tax purposes. A formal appraisal is required by the IRS for gifts in kind valued at over $5,000.


Lunches for Learners, established in 2017, is a lunch assistance grant program created to provide hot lunches to students in need.


Financial Aid Scholarship Giving: Saint Peter School strives to remain affordable and accessible to all families who desire a Catholic education for their child(ren). Throughout its history, the school has provided tuition assistance to deserving students who otherwise could not afford to attend—thanks in great part to the gifts of our scholarship donors.


Leave a Gift in Your Will: A planned gift (or bequest) is a wonderful way to support Saint Peter School.


Stocks and Securities: Making a gift of stock is easy and provides significant advantages for many donors.


Matching Gifts: Your employer might match your charitable contributions to Saint Peter School, doubling or even tripling the amount of your gift.


Make your gift online. 



For more information regarding making a gift to Saint Peter School, please contact the Advancement Office at (617) 547-0101 ext. 134 or email Director of Advancement Douglas Lovell at