
Advisory Structure


Saint Peter School is operated as part of Saint Peter Parish within the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston. 


The Pastor (or Administrator) delegates responsibility to the Principal for oversight of the daily operation of our school, its faculty and staff, and its academic offerings. The Pastor (or Administrator) and Principal avail themselves of the counsel and resources of the parish staff, applicable Archdiocesan offices, and the Saint Peter School Consultative Board.  The Consultative Board advises the Pastor (or Administrator) and Principal in the governance of the school. Governance is concerned with overall strategy and institutional policy and is distinct from “Ownership” and “Administration” which are roles fulfilled by the Archbishop of Boston (through his appointed representative) and the Principal, respectively.


The Consultative Board is a volunteer body of at least nine members from the school and parish communities as well as from the general community.  It offers its counsel in areas of planning and policy, development, finances, marketing/communication, and mission effectiveness to support the viability and success of our school.  Consultative Board members are appointed by the Pastor (or Administrator) and Principal to serve up to two consecutive three year terms and meet approximately eight times per school year. Through its counsel, committee work, and active participation in school-sponsored activities, the Consultative Board promotes, supports, and champions Saint Peter School to the fullest extent possible.

2023 – 2024 Consultative Board Members


Mr. Daniel Appugliese, ‘92
Vice President, Digital Workplace, Fidelity Investments

Mrs. Wendy Burns
Vice President of the Consultative Board
Director of Admissions, Saint Peter School
Parent Association Co-Chair (2019-2022)

Mrs. Elizabeth Christiansen
Parent Association Co-Chair


Dr. Guillermo Garcia-Cardena
Secretary of the Consultative Board
Associate Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School
Director, Laboratory for Systems Mechanobiology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital.  

Dr. Thomas Haferd 
Principal, Saint Paul’s Choir School
Former parent

Dr. Eirene Kontopoulos
Chair of the Consultative Board
Portfolio Manager, Fidelity Investments

Mrs. Kathleen O’Connell 
Former Advancement Officer
Former parent

Mr. John Sortino
Entrepreneur, Vermont Teddy Bear Company

Mrs. Rebecca Susi 
Restaurant owner
Former Parent Association Co-Chair

Donna Tuccinardi
Parent Association Co-Chair


Ex-Officio Members (serving because of their official positions, on a non-voting basis):

Dr. Evan Kristiansen

Head of School, Saint Peter School