Student Life
School Uniforms
Saint Peter School uniforms are required for all students from K1 – Grade 8. Uniform requirements are different for different grades, so please be sure to check requirements carefully. The requirements are detailed in the Student-Family Handbook.
Girls in grades K1-4 wear plaid jumpers or navy pants. Girls in grades 5-8 wear the plaid skirt or navy pants. Skorts and shorts for all ages are optional for warm weather only. Girls can wear navy bike shorts under skirts and jumpers only.
Boys in K1-8 wear navy pants and white knit uniform shirt. Shorts optional in warm weather.
Gym uniform for girls and boys is mesh shorts, grey uniform t-shirt and optional sweatpants and sweatshirt.
Uniforms can be purchased from J.B. Pride or Land’s End.
J.B. Pride :J.B. Pride ordering sheets are below.
J.B. Pride 2018-19 Uniform Ordering Sheet
J.B. Pride store location: 39 Cummings Park, Woburn, MA 01801 / (781) 376-2071 or (800) 654-5148.
Under uniforms, you can set up your child’s preferences (gender and grade) and search for the school to see the uniform choices. Or you can enter the Land’s End Preferred School Number: 900032418
Please email the school if you have any questions at all.
Do you have a Family Handbook?
What time does school begin?
What time does the school day end?
Are there any after school activities?
Are there any early release days during the year?
Is there any parking on campus?
Are their any opportunities to get involved in the school?
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When does science instruction begin?
When do students begin a foreign language?
Where can I buy uniforms?
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Does my child have recess?
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