Name, Grades

Hassan Ahmad

Email Ms. Adams 


Favorite memory at SPS
I will always remember when my students spontaneously started reciting poetry that we had memorized the previous year.


Interesting fun fact about me

I ran a mile in 5 minutes and 6 seconds when I was 14 years old.


What inspired you to become a teacher?

I have always enjoyed working with children. I began working with children when I was in high school as a summer camp counselor. In college, I worked as a wilderness leader for teenagers during the summer. After working with teenagers in the wilderness, I realized I wanted to teach humanities at the high school level. Currently, I teach middle school English, and I love it.


Education - St. Mary’s University, Minneapolis, MN. Masters in Human Development with an emphasis on adolescent development, Waldorf education, and wilderness education. January 2003.
Rudolf Steiner College, Fair Oaks, CA. Waldorf high school teacher training, 1999. Waldorf High School Teacher Training Certification/Degree.
Waldorf Teacher Training, Eugene, OR. Foundation Year, 1998.
Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA. Advanced Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Comparative Literary Studies, 1997.

Certifications - Educator’s License, English Grades 5-12. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Education. June 2003.
National Outdoor Leadership School, Lander, WY. Pacific Northwest Trip Leader Course, June 2001.


SPS activities - In the fall, I offer an HSPT strategies and practice class for students who are applying to private high schools. The High School Placement test is an exam designed to measure skills in various subtests: Verbal Skills, Quantitative Skills, Reading, Mathematics, and Language. The results of the exam help determine high school admission, merit scholarships, and placement for 9th grade English and math classes.

I am the 8th grade homeroom teacher. I teach 7th and 8th grade English Language Arts and literature. I am also the High School Recommendation and Transcript Coordinator. In the fall, I also oversee the high school application process and write recommendations. In the spring, I organize the Awards/Class Night and the Graduation Ceremony.


"I love the community at St. Peter School. We are blessed to have such caring and wonderful families from all over the world."


Hobbies outside of school - In addition to teaching, I love to spend time hiking with my family. Cooking is another one of my favorite hobbies. I also volunteer for an organization called Mothers Out Front: Mobilizing for a Livable Climate. I was the Co-Coordinator of the Cambridge Organizing team for two years at its inception, and then served on the Massachusetts Leadership Team for a year. I am currently leading storytelling/personal narrative workshops to empower women to use their stories to move their communities and states from dirty to clean energy. Mothers out Front is building a diverse movement of mothers, grandmothers, and caregivers to move away from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy. Since our inception 6 years ago, we are now organizing in 10 states. We received the 2019 United Nations Global Climate Action Award: Women for Results. In addition, Mothers Out Front, and founder Kelesy Wirth, just won the McNulty Prize which recognizes individuals who are creating sustainable models for social change.

Faculty Profile