We believe in teaching to the Heart, Mind, and Soul of each child.
About St. Peter School...
Located one-half mile from Harvard Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Saint Peter School is an all-inclusive Catholic elementary school focused on academic excellence and dedicated to teaching to the heart, mind, and soul of every child. Saint Peter’s provides a rigorous academic program, rooted in Catholics values, to a diverse student body, pre-K through Grade 8.
Keep up with the latest SPS news with Saint Peter School's Online News Magazine, The St. Peter Journal:
Did you know SPS has an Earthworks Weather Center?
Saint Peter School's new state-of-the-art commercial scale Earthnetworks weather center is fully installed on the brand new roof!
Students can download real time meteorological data and access current and historical data from the numerous global Earthnetworks weather stations to analyze developing weather events and probe historical weather data for clear evidence of climate change.
Early Education
Elementary School
Middle School
Every day our students and teachers rise to the challenge to push themselves further with our demanding curriculum. Across all subject matters, we emphasize analytical thinking and creative problem solving, all within a supportive environment that prepares students to be confident and curious learners and effective leaders in high school and beyond.
Thank you for your interest in Saint Peter School! We seek to admit children in K1 (pre-K) through Grade 8 who will thrive in our nurturing and challenging academic environment. We matriculate new students across all grades every year. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us.
Student Teacher Ratio
Students = Average class size
Identify Catholic
Total Professional Staff
Teachers with a Masters Degree or Higher